Friday 20 May 2016

Seven Quick Takes, Episode 13: In which I actually talk about organs, for once

Happy Friday, t'internets!
1. Given that this blog is purportedly about playing the organ (well, sort of, sometimes), I feel I should disclose the fact that I now have a key to the church organ loft!!! What does this mean? Well, it means I've graduated to the Big Organ, not the little electric one at the front of church. I like this. No-one will be able to see me, and I can pretend I'm playing on my own. WIN. 

2. Also on an organ note, if you're not on the organ donor register, please rectify this. Now.If you're in the UK, the link is here.
(OK, that was a slightly random segue, but it's important, people! Spare parts for humans are harder to come by than spare parts for 28-year-old food processors. Ask me how I know...)

3. We finally watched the Lego movie on Sunday evening (it's on Amazon Prime at the moment), so we've all been singing this all week: 

Two of our children have three-syllable names, so there have been a few new versions of the song, too... 
Incidentally, if anyone has any suggestions for family-friendly stuff that's free to watch on Prime, please let me know!

4. R is currently running around the living room going "aaaaaamem, aaaaaaaamem, aaaaamem". I'd love to know what's going on in his head.
(N.B. for "living room", read "whole downstairs part of our house excluding the 12 sqft of kitchen". We wouldn't want to give people the wrong impression).

5. The legend that is Fr. Bruno Clifton is running an ultra-marathon again this year to raise money for the Dominican training fund. Please support him if you can:
He's also made a series of vlogs about everything that goes into training for an ultra-marathon - if you're a runner, they're definitely worth a look: . Go Bruno!

6. Since I'm on a YouTube kick today, have a motet to brighten up your Friday!


(I'm trying to get our church choir to sing this in a few weeks' time. Main reason? The organ part is SO MUCH EASIER than the Mozart Ave Verum.)

7. In true 7QT style, it's taken me five hours to get up to no. 7. That's what you get for trying to write a blog post while the small people are actually awake ;-)

Happy weekend!

Linking up with Kelly for 7QT. You know what to do.  

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