It's Friday, it's nap time, so... 7QT!
1. This was the week in which Mx attempted, for the first time, to cut her own hair. Given her temperament, it was always a case of when, not if. I tidied it up as best I could, but she now has a fringe. Oh well.
We don't generally put pictures of our kids on the internets, hence the cunning disguise. |
2. Ze husband and I hardly ever watch films together - partly because 90+ minutes is a large chunk of time to commit to anything that isn't sleeping, but mostly because we can never agree what to watch. Last Friday, however, my sister was staying over and no-one had the mental energy for board games, so we rented Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, aaaand... we all really liked it! Darcy and Bingley are pathetic, but there were a lot of clever visual references to the BBC version, which I enjoyed, and a lot of zombies, which ZH enjoyed.
3. The Great Stuff Purge of 2016 is coming on apace. Mildred the saxophone has now moved on to pastures new, and I think our book collection may have dipped below the 1000 mark for the first time in several years. Yes, I actually counted them once, around this time last year. Advanced pregnancy makes you do inexplicable things.
4. Today is an INSET day (teacher training) at Mx's school, so I've got all three of them at home all day, which is odd. It's like the summer holidays all over again, but without the (limited) sunshine. That said, they've been playing pretty nicely today - their main game seems to consist of putting lots of things in bags and pretending to move house, so the clearup operation could be significant, but it's worth it for the relative peace.
5. When did gendered pushchairs become a Thing? My facebook newsfeed is covered with people looking for trolleys specifically for boys, or girls, or just to exchange theirs because they're bored of it. I've just upgraded ours because one of the wheels was about to fall off, but it only cost us £10 at a bumps and babies sale and has lasted us the best part of 3 years (and we're talking 3 years of heavy use, often with one child in the seat and one standing on the footrest). Marketing people must be very clever.
Ok, I may have customised the new one a bit, but even with the fabric it cost less than £35...
(Yes, the weather was miserable. Yes, our yard is a mess. But no weedkiller = more frogs, and we like frogs. End of service announcement)
6. Did you know butter beans (lima beans) contain cyanide? I knew you're not supposed to eat them raw and that you're meant to soak them before cooking, but I didn't know why. Now I do, and you do, too. (We may be eating butter beans at some point this weekend).
7. Only two (or a few more) hours and it's the weeeeekeeeennnnnddd! Ze Husband had an appointment at the French Consulate in London this afternoon to apply for a new passport, so he may not be back for quite some time - it's about five hours away with no traffic, but on a Friday evening, it's anybody's guess. Ve shall see.
Linking up with Kelly for 7QT - time to see what everyone else has been up to!